Karen Keltz
Karen Keltz is a former freelance journalist and educator. Her writing and photography have been published in Purr and Yowl, Global Poemic, the dillydoun review, Verseweavers, Huff/Post 50, USA Today, The Oregonian, The North Coast Squid, Green Prints, The Ruralite, Oregon Coast Magazine, Poésie, Oregon English and English Journal, among others.
She is a recipient of numerous awards for poetry, screenwriting, juvenile fiction, and short fiction. Her juvenile novels, Sally Jo Survives Sixth Grade and Laurel Hedges and the Evil Lurker, are available on Amazon.
She lives at Happy House Farm with her husband and giant gardens full of splendid blooms, awesome vegetables, and indefatigable weeds.
Blog Posts
I am a writer who writes about anything that comes to mind. You may find a humorous essay, perhaps a recipe, or even a rant or two.
Head over to my “Karen’s Books” page to see my published books on Amazon.